

I am André Carvalho.
Machine Learning Engineer & Software Developer
Based in Lisbon Portugal.


More About Me.

I wrote my first-ever line of code 11 years ago and haven’t stopped ever since.

Started programming Java and soon after I learned C. In the last few years, Python has become the de-facto programming language used for my main area of interest and expertise, the development of machine learning models to solve real-world problems.

I am comfortable programming both front-end and back-end. Even if there is a language that I’m not so fluent, I adapt and learn it without any problems, as I enjoy to constantly improve myself.

Over the years I have been involved in diverse projects that require machine learning and topics such as information retrieval, computer vision, optimization, deep learning, web-crawling, among many others.

I enjoy working within a team but also am self-sufficient to tackle projects on my own. Surely, I do prefer working collaboratively with highly motivated teams which is always more fun and enjoyable.

In my spare time, I enjoy following the state of the world economy and the stock market, but also play tennis and go for long walks in the forest to clear my mind.

Services & Roles

What I Do.

It would be a pleasure to learn more about your current needs and help you solve them or achieve them. As a Machine Learning Engineer Software Developer, I consider myself a problem solver and enjoy the process of understanding, modeling, and solving an existing problem.

  • Machine Learning

    Apply existing machine learning models but also develop novel models for specific and real-world business challenges. These models include (but are not limited to) Deep Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Networks, Clustering Algorithms, Supervised and Unsupervised problems. Always using cross-validation to assure that the performance of the developed algorithms are valid and do not overfit the existing data.

  • Data Analysis

    Apply machine learning to create high performing predictive models leveraging your data. In problems such as Fraud and Risk Detection, Healthcare planning, Information Retrieval, Targeted Advertising, Recommendation systems, Image Recognition, Route Planning, among others.

  • Web Platforms

    I am able to transform your existing solution into a web application, so that it can be accessible worldwide. Such web application can be installed locally (if you have sensitive data), or remotely using a cloud provider. I can develop both the front end and back end of a web application, and have your solution exposed worldwide in no time.

  • Landing Pages

    Create appealing landing pages and increasing web visibility for your business, boosting your sales and your business performance.

My Skillset

inside brackets is the number of years I have worked with that tecnology (last update Q1 2020)
  • Machine-learning [8], Computer Vision [3], Deep Learning [7]
  • Python [10], C [8], Typescript [3], Java [11], Bash [7]
  • Angular [3], Flask [3], JS [5], HTML [5], CSS [5]
  • ElasticSearch [3], MongoDB [5], SQL [5], S3 [3]
  • Docker [3], Kubernetes [3], AWS [6], HPC [1 year], Hadoop [2], Spark [2]
  • Git [8], Unit Testing [7], Jira [1], Teams [1], Slack [3], Discord [2], Agile [2]

For more detailed info check my Skills & Endorsements at

Career and Education.


2019 - Present


Machine Learning Engineer and Software Developer

2015 - 2019


PhD Researcher



Information Systems and Computer Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico - IST

Doctoral degree (PhD)

Passed with distinction

2012 - 2014

Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico - IST

Master Degree

Grade: 16/20

2009 - 2012

Computer Networks and Multimedia Engineering

Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - ISEL

Bachelor Degree

Grade: 15/20


See My Latest Projects.


Please feel free to contact me.